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About Christiana

Christiana was blessed with a creative mind and one of her favorite pastimes is writing stories and singing songs. When making a song she often dreams it ahead of time, complete with the background music.  "One time I dreamed that I was strolling down a lovely small town street and I saw a woman playing a piano outside a café and singing “What Will It Take…?   I thought, “Oh, I love that song!  It’s too bad I didn’t write it.”  Then I woke up!"  
" I find music and stories to be one of the most powerful ways to truly reach people on a deeper level. I believe this is true because the arts have ministered to me as well. There is something almost magical about the combination of song and story that can leave an indelible impact and on our lives, which in turn can create positive growth in us all."

Living in so many countries gave Christiana ample opportunity to explore her musical talents and soon began writing and singing her own songs.  You could often find her singing standards as well, like “Summertime” in an Italian Bistro or “Misty” in a French Cafe or anywhere that she fancied along her travels.


" Working in the entertainment business set the stage for many opportunities to  persue fame, but in my early years but I felt a strong tug from God that He did not want that for my life at that time.  So, ironically, despite making a living in such a highly visual arena, I often tried to steer away from the world’s spotlight whenever possible and trusted that what God had planned for me was better for my ultimate growth.  Presently, I have come to learn to rest in His grace and let the cards fall where they may.  An interesting observation I have recently made about myself is the way I now approach a goal or a project.  With the knowledge now firmly planted within me that God is really my only true audience that I must perform for and please with my results, I have lost most of my ego-based ambition.  This would appear to present a problem in the eyes of the world as that ambition and drive to succeed for oneself is what is known to produce success and results.  But I have to trust daily that God will continue to give me a genuine love for Him and my fellow man and that this love will be the driving force that keeps me creating ideas and concepts that change the lives of those around me.  My hope is that when all is said and done by me, that my gifts will  have been put to proper use and that I will hear those precious words from our Creator, Well done!
​       From TomBoy to Top Fashion Model
Christiana grew up a true tomboy. From riding motorcycles and dune buggies in the Mojave Dessert to building forts out in the Santa Monica Mountains of Calabasas, she was the furthest thing from a girly girl. “I wasn’t really aware of my appearance until after I started modeling. I was 14 and walking with some friends eating an ice cream cone when a lady peeked her head out of her clothing store and asked me if I would be interested in modeling for her. Soon afterward, another person approached me and asked the same thing and people everywhere started asking the cliche question, “Are you a model?” I decided to check out a couple of agencies and was really surprised when they all wanted me!” Christiana was soon traveling the world, using her image to pave the way and quickly went from a tomboy to a top fashion model. She worked with many famous designers such as Calvin Klein, Versace and La Perla and graced the pages and covers of many leading magazines worldwide including Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle and Harpers Bazar. She also did advertisements and commercials for many national and international companies such as most Coca Cola products, Mercedes, Nissan, Budwieser, Levis, Revlon,
 Michelob, Nivea, Caress, Almay, Swatch, and Avon, to name just a few. Participating in numerous music videos and movies had her working with stars such as Eddie Murphy, Bridgett Fonda, William De Foe, Gregory Hines, David Dukovney, Dudley Moore, David Hasselhoff, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lionel Ritchie, Bryan Adams, Tina Turner,Michael Bolton and many more.
After what seemed like endless years of travelling, Christiana “Grew tired of living out of a suitcase!” So, she headed back to her hometown and now resides in Malibu, California where she owns and operates a chain of Italian restaurants called D’Amore’s
with her husband, Joe. Along with singing and writing books, she is also very  busy creating a huge social network site called Zweetspot, which is geared toward helping people find and live out their purpose. Thus, living their lives in the Zweetspot!


​         Hillbilly Roots
Coming from a family immersed in the creative
arts, Christiana was naturally drawn toward
music and writing at a very young age. Many a
night was spent singing old American folk songs
reminiscent of days gone by. A crowd would often
gather around a campfire while her mother, a
talented opera singer, her grandmother, a radio
vocalist and her grandfather, a one-man-band,
who would play anything from a banjo,
harmonica, fiddle, Jew’s harp, guitar and even
spoons, would all belt out songs into the wee
hours of the night. At the end of the evening
Christiana would sit at her grandfather’s knee
while scripture would be read from the old family
Boone Bible. Then stories were told of her great,
great, grandfather, Daniel Boone as treasures
such as his Kentucky Long Rifle would be passed
around for all to admire. 
"Many of my songs or stories written in my earlier years were more about yearning, searching and longing for a closer relationship with my Creator and filled with questions toward God. Whereas, now in this stage of my life, I write with much more resolve and a peace about what life is all about.”
Of course, I still write the typical love songs and concepts for different creative projects that come my way, but my heart is in writing lyrics and stories that have a moral message or leave the listener in a better state of mind after hearing them."
“My hope is that my journey in itself and the things I have learned can be expressed in a form that can be shared with others, helping them find the true path that leads to happiness and fullfillment.
God‘s blessings to you!”
~Christiana D’Amore
  Official Website for christiana d'amore christiana, christiana damore, christiana capetillo,, christianadamore, malibeauties,caroline damore, caroline d'amore, damore's pizza, damore's famous pizza 
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